∎ Manuscript Requirements and Submissions
The Journal of Korean Law requires all manuscripts to closely observe the following guidelines.
1. Except for negotiated secondary publications, manuscript submitted to the Journal must be previously unpublished and not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
2. All submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter and a brief abstract. All necessary contact information should also be included.
The abstract should be concise, less than 200 words, and describe concisely the purpose, methods, and argument of the study.
3. Up to ten keywords should be listed at the bottom of abstract to be used as index terms.
4. The Journal only accepts manuscripts in Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) format. Please refrain from using other software such as Hancom Office.
Manuscripts should be submitted by email (
5. Citations in manuscripts should appear in footnotes, not endnotes, and follow The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation(19th ed.).
● The Bluebook system requires that all non-English materials (books, articles, cases, etc.) be transcribed in their original language, or by the standard romanization system of each language, e.g. Constitution of the Republic of Korea (Daehanminguk Minbeob). Thus, we request all authors to provide us with this information if an original text is cited. Also, we strongly urge all writers to provide citations in Korean or any other original language whenever possible.
● Please note that the Bluebook system requires citations to contain detailed information. If you are not familiar with the Bluebook system, please provide as much information as possible to facilitate the editing process.
The Journal also encourages the use of gender-neutral language.
6. The identities of the referees will not be revealed under any circumstances. Please note that we cannot answer any inquiries regarding such issues.
∎ Journal of Korean Law Ethical Rules of Submission
June 20, 2007
Article 1 [Purpose]
The purpose of Journal of Korean Law Ethical Rules of Submission is to provide guidelines for ethical issues regarding submission.
Article 2 [Writer’s Ethical Standard]
1. Submission must be an original work without being previously published in any other academic journal.
2. Submission must not contain plagiarized contents.
3. When citing other’s writings, the writer must clarify all matters related to citation.
4. Using contents contained in his or her previous work as a tool to support new academic research is allowed. However, even in such cases, the process must be clarified.
Article 3 [Editor’s Ethical Standard]
1. Editors must take all necessary measures in timely manner for the reviewing process and are responsible for all issues related to the publication.
2. Editors must treat all submission fairly regardless of writer’s age, sex, affiliation, and private relationship. The quality of submission and Journal of Korean Law Rules of Submission are the only standards in deciding the publication of submission.
3. Editors must request evaluation to reviewers with adequate knowledge of subject and fair sense of judgment.
4. Previous to publication decision, editors must keep all related facts confidential.
5. Writer’s personality and academic freedom must be respected at all times.
Article 4 [Reviewer’s Ethical Standard]
1. Reviewer must follow the evaluation standards and conduct the reviewing process in a diligent manner. If the reviewer thinks that he or she is inappropriate for the topic, he or she must report to the Council of Editors immediately.
2. Reviewer must evaluate the submission with fair standards of judgment.
3. Reviewer must respect academic freedom of the writer at all times.
4. Plausible reason must be provided if reviewer decides that the submission is inappropriate for publication. Disagreement of ideas or differing point of view alone is not enough reason for denying the publication.
5. Reviewer must adhere to confidentiality regarding all matters related to submission.
Article 5 [Revision of this Rule]
This rule can be revised by the decision of the Council of Editors of Journal of Korean Law.
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